
On the 24th February 1979 Mike Sacks and his wife observed a strange orange object through their downstairs window. It lit up the room as it fell slowly and silently from the sky over Rossendale Valley. They observed the object as it descended, then it stopped, hovered for a bit, then changed course and shot off.

Sacks thought the object had landed in a nearby quarry and with his camera went out to investigate. When he got their he heard a strange voice in his head which kept saying 'port-a-cabin, port-a-cabin'. As he looked down into the quarry he could see a set of lights which resembled those of a port-a-cabin. The next day when he returned to the sight there was no port-a-cabin or any other building that would of accounted for the lights.

Other people in the area, including 2 policemen also reported seeing the strange object at around the time in question. Another witness Alf Kyme, saw a dome-shaped mass surrounded by red rings descend into the quarry. A local taxi driver chased the object for a short while before losing it in the vicinity of the quarry.

The Ministry of Defence claimed that the sightings had been that of a 'special exercise' that had been taking place that night. However, Colonel Shrihofer, base commander at Upper Heyford after checking his records said that there had 'Definitely Not' been any Air Force activity that night.

The last witness to see the UFO claimed that he saw the object while on Blackpool pier, and that he noticed an Air Force jet chasing the object. The object then appeared to enter the sea and disappear. When the jet had disappeared the witnesses claims that he saw the object rise from the sea and shoot off vertically.

UFO researchers will have to wait until the year 2009 before they can obtain any documents on the case as the British Government hold all such documents for 30 years.

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